Top 7 Considerations When Evaluating NoSQL Databases

Working with data is a core function of software development. When organizations struggle with demands to accelerate release cycles, extract insights from data, and adopt distributed cloud-based architectures, it’s often because they’re being held back by rigid relational databases. The solution is to adopt more flexible nonrelational data systems, also known as NoSQL databases.
There are multiple types of NoSQL databases to consider, but which one is right for your environment? In this white paper, we’ll explore the differences between the most common non-relational databases: graph, keyvalue, wide-column, and documents.
Download the white paper for detailed coverage of the following:
  • Differences between each of the data and query models used by the most common NoSQL databases
  • Consistency and transactional guarantees for each type of database
  • An explanation of how to work with databases through idiomatic drivers, RESTful APIs, and SQL-like APIs
  • Visualization and analytics capabilities
  • Data models for mobile applications
  • The benefits of looking beyond the database to leverage an application data platform
  • The significance of commercial support, community strength, and deployment freedom

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